We work with children’s services - social care, youth justice, education and health - in England and Wales, with central government departments, and with a wide range of voluntary organisations.
Although our current work reflects the changing themes and concerns in children’s services, our approach and our aims stay the same – to make a real and lasting difference to the lives of vulnerable children.
Working with FRG who facilitated this England and Wales Review, prompted by the rise in care proceedings and number of children in care, and funded by the Nuffield Foundation. The Review findings were launched in London and Cardiff in July 2018. Social care and family justice stakeholders are now engaged in pursuing the Review’s 20 suggestions about possible changes to local authority and court systems, and national and local policies and practice, to help manage demand in ways that are consistent with achieving the best outcomes for children.
For all the documents about the Review’s activities and findings, including our report about Options for Change, the academic review of evidence about factors contributing to the crisis, and analysis of survey responses from practitioners and family members, click here.
Research in Practice Change Project on Recurrent Care
Project management of this RiP change project, run together with Lancaster and Essex Universities, working with representatives from 12 local authorities on setting up, or further developing, services for women who have had children removed more than once through care proceedings. The project runs from November 2017 to Autumn 2018.
Commissioned by RiP
Working with recurrent care experienced birth mothers resource pack (2019)
“Your report is excellent. We couldn’t have imagined you would discover so much, so quickly. You spoke to everyone who was relevant, you analysed what they said, and you have given us some important recommendations to implement.” CAMHS commissioner