We work with a range of children's services authorities and PCTs in England and Wales, as well as other agencies including the Department of Health and other government departments, SCIE, the NCB, YoungMinds, Research in Practice, and small voluntary organisations.
Recent commissions:
- multi-agency audits of need - to identify local trends and current responses
- service mapping - to inform commissioning strategies
- user consultation - to incorporate family views in planning
- assessment models - to develop and embed new approaches
- research overviews - to extract messages for a range of audiences
- service evaluations - to inform future developments.
Recent topics:
- children's mental health - to analyse needs and review specialist services
- parental mental ill health and substance misuse - to support the development of family-focused services
- safeguarding - to review progress in joint working arrangements
- disability - to review gaps in service provision
- the needs of black and minority ethnic (BME) families - to respond to Commission for Social Care Inspection (CSCI) proposals
- custody - to review needs and interventions for children in secure settings.