The stories of 22 people living in poverty, to highlight their resilience and the attitudes shown by those around them and those making decisions about their life.
A report from the local authority case managers, and the project manager, about the work of the SLCPP (South London Care Proceedings Project, with recommendations for future activity by the consortium.
A report from the local authority case managers, and the project manager, about the work of the SLCPP (South London Care Proceedings Project, with recommendations for future activity by the consortium.
An updated version of the 2012 resource pack for England, now adapted and published for Wales.
Research in Practice, and the Care Council for Wales
Briefing for local authority Lead Members for children’s services.
A short A5 briefing that highlights key research messages about the different types of living arrangements for children in care, and how each can help provide long-term stability during childhood and beyond. Includes return home, foster care (by family and friends or unrelated carers), adoption, special guardianship, and residential care.
An on-line summary of information about research, policy and practice developments relating to parental mental health problems and their impact on family members. With reflection questions for practitioners.
Commissioned by Community Care Inform (2013)
An article arising from our work evaluating FDAC. It discusses the evaluation findings in the light of the recommendations of the Family Justice Review.
Ryan M, Harwin J, Lewis G and Tunnard J (2012) Family Law, Vol 42, October, pp 1228-1234
A series of research briefings providing information about key research findings, good practice and policy developments that will help councillors improve outcomes for children and families in need by ensuring that adequate and effective services are provided for them. A fully referenced text for each topic is available on RiP’s website:
Commissioned by Research in Practice
This review of research addresses the definition and extent of parental problem drinking, its impact across important dimensions of children’s lives, the impact on children as they become adults, and some messages for practice, including a suggested service specification. The main focus is on UK studies published in the last two decades. Aimed primarily at front-line social care workers and their managers, to help when assessing the need for services or delivering appropriate services to children and their families.
Commissioned by Research in Practice (2002)