
A discussion paper for the Home Office about the Domestic Abuse Strategy.

A policy paper with practical suggestions for the forthcoming comprehensive strategy required of Government by the Domestic Abuse Act 2021. The main messages are about the need to promote a cross-departmental public health approach to ending domestic abuse; to pay greater attention to the involvement and role of the family justice system; and to provide sufficient funding for the broad range of interventions needed so that those who are responsible for abuse are offered high challenge/high support to change their behaviour whilst ensuring that the safety and well-being of those who are abused, and of children and others close to them, is paramount at all stages.

Jo Tunnard (November 2021) A discussion paper for the Home Office about the Domestic Abuse Strategy. On behalf of CJI, FRG, RiP and RTB.

Why are older children in care proceedings? A themed audit in four local authorities.

Commissioned by Research in Practice, as part of the NFJO work programme that seeks to understand what is working well and what changes are needed for the current systems and services to respond well to the strengths and needs of older children and their families.

The report describes the work with English and Welsh authorities to analyse the circumstances before, during and after care proceedings of 73 children aged 10 to 17 in 49 families. With detailed case studies to illustrate the broad range of child and family experiences, and with recommendations for a renewed focus on early attention to parental needs, better support when children return home on a supervision order, ways of reducing the risk of exclusion from school, and earlier connections between children’s services and the youth justice system.

See summary report here

Parker, C. and Tunnard, J. (2021) Why are older children in care proceedings? A themed audit in four local authorities. London: Nuffield Family Justice Observatory

Pre-birth Assessment: Strategic Briefing (2020)

Find the full report here

Six Years on Track: In and After Care Proceedings, 2013-2019 (2020)

With Celia Parker. Report launched December 2020 by the South London Care Proceedings Project (SLCPP).

The report analysed the children and family data from the care proceedings brought during the first six years of the South London Care Proceedings Project, from 2013 to 2019. The SLCPP involved the London Boroughs of Greenwich, Lambeth, Lewisham and Southwark.

Find the full report here