

Three other reports arising from our project management of local authority Care Proceedings Projects.

These projects were set up to support local authorities, courts and partner organisations prepare for the changes to care proceedings introduced by the Children and Families Act 2014 and the revised Public Law Outline.

A Year in Proceedings (February 2015)

A report from the four local authority case managers and the project manager about the care proceedings during the first year of the South London Care Proceedings Project (2013 to 2014). With recommendations for future activity by this consortium of local authorities and partner agencies, under the direction of its Steering Group of court and social care stakeholders.

Find the full report here.

Bi-Borough Evaluation Reports (January 2015 and 2014)

Reports from the local authority case manager and the project manager about the work and impact of the Bi-Borough Care Proceedings Project during 2014 and 2015. The Bi-Borough project involved the London Boroughs of Camden and Islington.

Find the full 2015 report here.
Find the full 2014 report here.