
Evaluating FDAC title
Why was the work commissioned 1
Why was the work commissioned 2
Why was the work commissioned 3
Why were we involved
What did we do 1

We do research reviews and briefing papers, action research to inform local audits of need, and evaluations of interventions and services. We offer advice on research and evaluation and are partners in academic research projects. Our approach is underpinned by our analytical framework and a commitment to make the evidence accessible to busy practitioners.

Current Work

FDAC Development Project

A partnership with Ernst & Young, to develop a blueprint for the wider roll-out of FDAC, set out the business case for the FDAC model, and suggest different funding options.

Commissioned by London Borough of Camden on behalf of the Department for Education

Evaluating the family drug and alcohol court - second stage

Acting as consultant research fellows to the second stage of the evaluation of the Family Drug and Alcohol Court, we are exploring whether the findings from the first stage are sustained across a larger sample of cases and looking at the longer-term outcomes for children who returned home.

Commissioned by Nuffield Foundation and Brunel University

Understanding increases in the numbers of children subject to child protection planning and looked after services

The analytical framework methodology was applied to an audit of need to understand the reasons for rises in the number of children looked after by the local authority and in those supported by child protection plans.

Commissioned by Herefordshire Safeguarding Children Board

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Parental problem drinking and its impact on children - a research review

This review of research addresses the definition and extent of parental problem drinking, its impact across important dimensions of children’s lives, the impact on children as they become adults, and some messages for practice, including a suggested service specification. The main focus is on UK studies published in the last two decades. Aimed primarily at front-line social care workers and their managers, to help when assessing the need for services or delivering appropriate services to children and their families.

Commissioned by Research in Practice (2002)

Champions for Children: research briefings for local authority councillors

A series of research briefings providing information about key research findings, good practice and policy developments that will help councillors improve outcomes for children and families in need by ensuring that adequate and effective services are provided for them. A fully referenced text for each topic is available on RiP’s website:

  • The cost benefits of early intervention (2011)
  • Protecting children and young people from significant harm (2010)
  • Outcomes and why they matter (2008)
  • Promoting mental health for children across children’s services (2007)
  • Safeguarding (2006)
  • Transition of adolescents to adult mental health services (2006)
  • Intervening in the Early Years (2005)
  • School Inclusion for all children (2005)
  • Harnessing family and community support [Family Group Conferences and Family and Friends’ Care] (2004)
  • Enabling Disabled Children and their Families (2004)
  • Recruitment and Retention of Foster Carers (2003)

Commissioned by Research in Practice

How does the Family Drug and Alcohol Court fit with the current changes to family justice?

An article arising from our work evaluating FDAC. It discusses the evaluation findings in the light of the recommendations of the Family Justice Review.

Ryan M, Harwin J, Lewis G and Tunnard J (2012) Family Law, Vol 42, October, pp 1228-1234

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