
Responding to the health (title)
Why was the work commissioned 1
what did we do 1
what did we do 2
what did we do 3
what did we achieve

We work at local and national level, project managing initiatives that translate policies into practice and developing strategies for new ways of working Our policy work is informed by our experience of direct work with children, families and practitioners in children’s services, by the knowledge gained from our research and evaluation work, and by lessons from using our analytical framework in different settings.

Current Work

Health and well-being in the youth justice system

We developed materials to help health and social care commissioners draw on national data, collect local evidence of need, and understand the legal and policy levers for providing high-quality care to vulnerable young people. The templates and toolkit are on the youth justice pages of the ChiMat website https://www.chimat.org.uk/yj/hwbna

Commissioned by Department of Health

The Care Inquiry

We co-ordinated the work of the 8 children’s charities reviewing the evidence about what is effective in securing a sense of permanence for children who cannot live with their parents. The final report describes the activities of the Inquiry, including sessions involving over 200 adult participants and a national consultation exercise with 100 children and young people.

Commissioned by Adoption UK, British Association for Adoption and Fostering (BAAF), Family Rights Group, the Fostering Network, Research in Practice, TACT, the Together Trust, and the Who Cares? Trust.

Reducing delay in care proceedings

We are part of a small team of project managers for 20 London local authorities working in clusters - together with the courts, CAFCASS, lawyers and providers of assessments - to reduce unnecessary delay for children who are the subject of care proceedings.

Commissioned by Capital Ambition

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The mental health of young offenders

A chapter that considers, in relation to this group of vulnerable children and young people, needs and interventions, the policy and organisational framework, and best practice in promoting and protecting their mental health. With examples of promising practice in both custodial and community settings.

Tunnard J (2008) Chapter in Child and adolescent mental health today: a handbook. Edited by Catherine Jackson, Paula Lavis and Kathryn Hill. Published by Pavilion.

ONE IN TEN - Key messages from policy, research and practice about young people who are NEET

A review that brings together information about 16- to 18-year-olds who are not in education, employment or training. The review answers some common questions from practice, including how many young people are NEET, why they become and stay so, and the role of formal and non-formal learning in helping young people make a successful transition to adult life. It provides messages for those working with children and families at strategic, operational and practitioner level.

Jo Tunnard, with Tim Barnes and Steve Flood. Commissioned by Research in Practice and The National Youth Agency. October 2008.

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