r t b
service development : children and families


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 Work program

case studies

Recent commissions have included:

Children's Services - Threshold Analysis
explaining variations in the number of children on the child protection register and looked after, by applying the need and threshold concepts to samples of case records

Home Office On Track programme
producing a delivery plan for children aged 4 to 13, based on audited local need
 Sure Start - involving parents and professionals
(1) enabling health visitors and parents to audit the unmet needs of children in their area, to inform a delivery plan and community evaluation and
(2) canvassing and reporting families' views to inform a project bid, including estate residents, parents of disabled children, and Somali and Algerian mothers
Multi-agency audit in a school catchment area
working with education, health and social services practitioners to audit the unmet needs of local children and develop new service specifications

County-wide audit of disabled children
project management of an audit to inform a county-wide inter-agency planning strategy

Multi-agency audit of children placed out of county
leading an audit of children placed in jointly-funded P & V placements out of county, to improve communication between health, education and social services and inform multi-agency planning.

Implementing the National Framework for Assessment
training staff at all levels, and in statutory and voluntary agencies, and providing work-based coaching, using the Dartington Paperwork practice tool

Socio-Demographic Mapping
initiating and producing an innovative socio-demographic map of a county, based on geo-coded data from benefit records

Part 8 Reviews
undertaking independent overviews

Scrutiny Reviews
providing professional advice to elected members conducting a scrutiny review of its leaving care service

Best Value Review - Family Support Services
evaluating the effectiveness of voluntary and social work services in the light of research evidence

Mental health services for children and families
evaluating progress made by local authorities in developing multi-agency mental health services, as evidenced in their Management Action Plans

User involvement in identifying and responding to need
leading shadow exercises where groups of parents, carers and young people conduct an audit of need, compare their findings with those of local professionals, and remain involved in developing new services in response.

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