About Us

We have worked as RyanTunnardBrown on a wide range of projects since 2002. Our work has been with children’s services – social care, youth justice, education and health – in England and Wales, with central government departments, and with voluntary organisations. We are associates of the National Children’s Bureau and Research in Practice.

Mary Ryan

Mary Ryan

has a background in law. As a lawyer, Mary specialised in public law relating to children and families, combined with research, training and development work. She was the legal adviser for Family Rights Group from 1982 to 1992 (where she first worked with Jo), then chief executive of FRG from 1992 to 1996, and since then she has worked as an independent consultant.

Jo Tunnard

Jo Tunnard

has a background in teaching and the voluntary sector. Jo worked at Child Poverty Action Group from 1974 to 1979, first as welfare rights adviser and then as assistant director. She left to become the founding chief executive of Family Rights Group, where she stayed until 1992. Since then she has worked as an independent consultant.

Liz Brown

Liz Brown

has a background in social work. From 1972 to 1992 Liz was a social worker in social services departments in Devon, Bristol and Gloucestershire, and she was the child protection co-ordinator for Gloucestershire from 1992 to 2000. She has worked as an independent consultant since then, including with the Dartington Social Research Unit, where she first worked with Jo and Mary.