Previous work - 2008-09
- Appetite for Life - improving health and well being through ensuring access to healthier food and drink in schools
- Improving Placement Stability
- Promoting emotional well being in a Young Offenders Institution
- A Research Review on young people who are NEET
- Health and Well-being Strategy - for children and young people involved in the youth justice system
- CAFCASS National Standards Training Programme
- Dissemination materials for Quality Matters: messages from research
- Audit of needs of children and families in contact with Learning Development Support Services
- Information-sharing guidance
- Case study workshops
- Working with local research

An action research project to monitor the implementation of guidance in selected schools (primary and secondary) across four local authority areas (Wrexham, Torfaen, Merthyr and Ceredigion). The results of the action research will guide implementation in schools across Wales.
Commissioned by: The Welsh Assembly Government

A study of the case files children and young people looked after for more than two years to inform strategic planning and the development of operational services designed to improve placement stability.
Commissioned by: The London Borough of Islington

Promoting emotional well being in a Young Offenders Institution
Exploring ways of developing a whole system approach to improving emotional well being when young people are held in custody.
Commissioned by: Leeds PCT CAMHS Commissioning Manager

A Research Review on young people who are NEET
A review of the messages from research and promising practice about young people not in education, employment or training.
Commissioned by: research in practice and the National Youth Agency

Health and Well-being Strategy - for children and young people involved in the youth justice system
Developing and writing a Strategy to ensure that children and young people in the youth justice system (in the community and in secure establishments) get timely access to the health and social care services that will best promote their welfare. With Zarrina Kurtz.
Commissioned by: Department of Health, Ministry of Justice, Youth Justice Board & Department for Children, Schools and Families

CAFCASS National Standards Training Programme
Delivering training to children's guardians and family court advisors on CAFCASS National Standards and the new private and public law pathways.
Commissioned by: CAFCASS and The Change Agency

Dissemination materials for Quality Matters: messages from research
Joint lead for this national expert group, responsible for informing the content and dissemination of the overview report of the nine research studies commissioned by the Department of Health (now the Department of Children, Schools and Families) under the Quality Protects Initiative.
The dissemination materials include leaflets for children and parents, laminated cards for social workers, booklets for senior managers and commissioners, e-learning modules, and short video films about policy and promising practice developments. Download from the DCSF website.
Commissioned by: research in practice

Audit of needs of children and families in contact with Learning Development Support Services
An audit of children and families in contact with LDSS in four local authorities, to inform discussion about the future role in children's services of education welfare officers, learning mentors and home/school support services.
Commissioned by: National Association for Social Workers in Education & National Children's Bureau

Developing guidance about information sharing, for front line practitioners working with young offenders in the community and in custody. With Peter Smith.
Commissioned by: Department of Health

A series of workshops based on a particular topic focussing on relevant research evidence, introducing a particular approach to analysis and inviting participants to apply the approach to case material from their own practice. Recent topics have included family placement, parental mental health and core assessments.
Commissioned by: research in practice

A workshop that takes a practical approach to some key aspects of conducting and developing research work within an organisation. It uses film and other tools to explore the different research options to consider, the benefits and pitfalls of commissioning local research, asking consultants the right questions, accessing research funding, and tips from participants' own experience.
Commissioned by: research in practice