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Who We Are

Mary Ryan
She is a solicitor by training, specialising in public law relating to children and families, and combining legal practice with research, training and development work in the field of social care.  She was Director of Family Rights Group after Jo Tunnard.

Jo Tunnard
Her background is in teaching and the voluntary sector. She was Assistant Director of Child Poverty Action Group and the first Director of Family Rights Group.  She has conducted service evaluations for a range of voluntary and statutory agencies.

Liz Brown
Liz is a social worker by training. She worked in social services departments for over 20 years, where her particular interests were assessment and child protection, and development projects around child sexual abuse and domestic violence.

about   r t b

RTB's approach to service development in based on:

This approach provides service responses more in tune with identified need and able to be evaluated at agency level. It also produces management information that can help with Best Value, Quality Protects and Children's Service Planning requirements.                                                                                

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